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for later reference.



Akai (pronounced [a̠ka̠i]) is a Hong Kong manufacturer of consumer electronics founded as Akai Electric Company Ltd in Tokyo, Japan, in 1946. Following the controversial collapse of the original business in 2000, the Akai brand is now owned by Grande Holdings in Hong Kong.

Akai's products included reel-to-reel audiotape recorders (such as the GX series), tuners (top level AT, mid level TR and TT series), audio cassette decks (top level GX and TFL, mid level TC, HX and CS series), amplifiers (AM and TA series), microphones, receivers, turntables, video recorders and loudspeakers.1

Midi System 8, 9 and ???

akai midi system 9 Akai Midi System 9 (1984)

There does not seem to be a lot of information available on the specific components mentioned below, other than beeing part of a midi system with a width of 35 cm, and of similar style (with somewhat interchangeable components (?)) of the Midi System 8 and 9. Some of the components are mentioned in the 1984-85 Akai Audio/Video Catalog (DE).

AA-M33 Stereo Receiver

According to the AA-M33 Stereo Receiver Service Manual (EN, p. 10), this receiver is designed to be stacked "together with the EA-M77 (Graphic Equalizer) and HX-M33 (Cassette Deck), where all source signals will first be passed through direct connectors and the EA-M77 (or HX-M33 when no EA-M77 is used), before they are input to the tone control section and main amp section of the AA-M33 for sound output".

akai m33 configuration

HX-M33 Stereo Cassette Deck

EA-M77 Graphic Equalizer

AP-M33 Full Automatic Player

DT-M33 Audio Timer
